Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is Here to Help Guests in Their Fight Against the Holiday Hangover
Dickey’s is offering$2 Chicken Sliders beginning January 2017
(Dallas, TX).Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is featuring ChickenSliders to kick off the New Year to help guests recover from the HolidayHangover.
Dickey’sBarbecue Pit locations across the nation smoke their chicken low and slow on-sitedaily to ensure its delicious flavor. Dickey’s is also committed to qualitywith their “No B.S. Initiative” by serving chicken that is 100% vegetarian fed and humanelyraised. It is also completely hormone-free and cage-free, ensuring thatDickey’s guests are served only the highest quality poultry with no additives.
To find yournearest Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, click here.
Dickey’sChicken Sliders are on a buttery roll with Dickey’s hand sliced, slow-smokedchicken. They are lean, mean and packed with protein—a perfect remedy to cureeveryone’s post-holiday blues.
All Dickey’slocations will offer $2 Chicken Sliders as well as the Kickin’ Combo, completewith three Chicken Sliders, a side of coleslaw and a Big Yellow Cup for $8.50.
“At Dickey’sBarbecue Pit we are dedicated to serving our guests the highest qualityproducts,” says Roland Dickey, Jr., CEO of Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.“Dickey’s 75-year-old brand has been successful because we stay true to ourbrand, smoked our meats on site daily and ensure every item we give our guestsis the best.”
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About Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.
Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc., the nation’s largest barbecue chain,was founded in 1941 by Travis Dickey with the goal of authenticslow-smoked barbecue. Today, all meats are still slow smoked on-site in eachrestaurant living up to the company tagline, “We Speak Barbecue.” TheDallas-based family-run barbecuefranchise offers a quality selection of signature meats, home style sides,tangy barbecue sauce and free kids’ meals every Sunday. The fast-casual concepthas expanded to more than 570 locations in 43 states. This year Dickey’s wonfirst place on Fast Casual’s “Top100 Movers and Shakers” and ranked in the top ten of Franchise Times’ “Fastand Serious.” Dickey’s Barbecue Pit wasrecognized for the third year by Nation’s Restaurant News as a “Top 10 GrowthChain” and by Technomic as the “Fastest-growing restaurant chain in thecountry.” For more information, visit www.dickeys.comor for barbecue franchise opportunities call 866.340.6188.