Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Brings Texas-style Barbecue to King George
(KingGeorge, VA) New Dickey’sBarbecue Pit location opens its doors this Thursday, November 2 in King Georgewith four weeks of smokin’ specials and giveaways, including free barbecue fora year for three lucky guests. The King George location will be opened byfranchisee Roger Wright with his business partners Adrienne Scott and MelissaWise.
“Dickey’sBarbecue Pit is thrilled to have this group open their first Dickey’s BarbecuePit location in King George,” says Laura Rea Dickey, CEO of Dickey’s BarbecueRestaurants, Inc. “The Dickey’s brand is continuously growing nationwide which isdue to our passionate franchisees who serve Dickey’s authentic barbecue totheir communities.”
Dickey’s will offerthe following specials and giveaways for the next four weeks:
Thirsty Thursdays: Guests will receive a free BigYellow Cup with free refills all day.
Philanthropy Fridays: “You Give, We Give” – Guests whodonate to Dickey’s charitable foundation, Barbecue,Boots & Badges, will receive a gift card as a thank you for their donation. Alluniformed first responders also receive 50 percent off their meal.
Smokin’ Saturday: Guests may purchase $2 PulledPork Sandwiches all day. Limit two.
Kids Eat Free Sundays: Kids eat free with an adultpurchase of $10 or more.
A Virginia native, Wright opens his first Dickey’s location with hisbusiness partners Scott and Wise. The trio look forward to serving theircommunity Dickey’s slow-smoked barbecue and becoming an integral part of thecommunity. “At Dickey’s Barbecue Pit we offer authentic, Texas-style barbecuethat our community is sure to love,” says Wright.
To join Dickey’s Big Yellow Cup Club and receive members-only specialsand discounts, click here.
The new Dickey’s Barbecue Pit in KingGeorge is located at 15411 Dahlgren Rd. King George, VA 22485. The phone numberis 403-663-4BBQ.
To find the location nearest you, click here.
Find Dickey’s on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
To learn more about franchising with Dickeys, visit www.dickeys.com/franchise or call 866-340-6188.
About Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.
Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc., the nation’s largest barbecue chainwas founded in 1941 by Travis Dickey. Today, all meats are still slow smokedon-site in each restaurant. The Dallas-based family-run barbecue franchise offersseveral slow-smoked meats and home style sides with ‘No B.S. (BadStuff)‘ included. The fast-casual concept has expanded to more than 550 locationsin 44 states. In 2016, Dickey’s won first place on Fast Casual’s “Top 100 Movers and Shakers” list and in 2017 again wona top 10 on the list. Dickey’s Barbecue Pit has also been recognized byEntrepreneur Magazine, Franchise Times, and Nation’s Restaurant News. For moreinformation, visit www.dickeys.com.