Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Offers Midland Residents a Quick, Convenient and Delicious Barbecue Option
Dickey’s in Midlandwill serve four weeks of specials and giveaways, including free barbecue for ayear to three guests
(Midland,TX) Dickey’sBarbecue Pit opens in Midland this Thursday with four weeks of specials andgiveaways. Free barbecue for a year will be awarded to three lucky guestsduring the opening weekend. To enter to win, guests can either use hashtag #1FreeYearofBBQ on any social mediapage, order online or sign up for the Big Yellow Cup Club to receiveloyalty points and members-only specials. The first 50 guests in the door onThursdays for the next four weeks will be given a complimentary taste of ournewest limited time offer, the Frank & Beans Butcher Tacos. On Fridays, thenew store will offer half-off meals to uniformed first responders, and guestswill have the opportunity to donate to Dickey’s charitable foundation, Barbecue, Boots & Badges.
To learnmore about Dickey’s and receive members-only specials, click here.
“TheDickey’s family congratulates Gary Haskell on opening his fourth Dickey’slocation,” says Roland Dickey Jr., CEO of Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.“Dickey’s is growing nationwide and we are proud to be serving authentic Texasbarbecue to all of our loyal guests.”
Doors openthis Thursday and guests can enjoy the grand opening events over the next fourweeks:
Thirsty Thursdays—All guests willreceive a free Big Yellow Cup with Dickey’s new reusable travel lid and straw.The first 50 guests will receive a complimentary taste of the Frank & BeansTaco, Dickey’s newest limited time offer.
Philanthropy Fridays— “You Give, WeGive”, guests who donate to Dickey’s charitable foundation, Barbecue, Boots & Badges, willreceive a gift card as a thank you for their donation. Uniformed firstresponders also receive 50 percent off their meal.
Kids Eat Free All Day Every Sunday witha $10 dine-in purchase per adult.
Originally from Massachusetts,Gary Haskell has perfected authentic, Texas-style barbecue and is now the proudowner of his fourth Dickey’s location. Haskell is passionate about serving thepeople in his community, and hopes to be the go-to place for the residents ofMidland County.
“I am proud to bring Dickey’s tothe people of Midland,” says Gary Haskell. “The location is perfect for thecommunity, and we want everyone to be able to enjoy Dickey’s Texas-stylebarbecue.”
Residents of Midland can find their newest Dickey’s at 614Wadley Midland, TX. 79705. The phone number is 432-704-5080.
Find Dickey’s on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
About Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.
Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc., the nation’s largest barbecue chainwas founded in 1941 by Travis Dickey with the goal of authenticslow-smoked barbecue. Today, all meats are still slow smoked on-site in eachrestaurant living up to the company tagline, “We Speak Barbecue.” TheDallas-based family-run barbecuefranchise offers a quality selection of signature meats, home style sides,tangy barbecue sauce and free kids’ meals every Sunday. The fast-casual concepthas expanded to more than 560 locations in 43 states. This year Dickey’s wonfirst place on Fast Casual’s “Top100 Movers and Shakers” and ranked in the top ten of Franchise Times’ “Fastand Serious.” Dickey’s Barbecue Pit wasrecognized for the third year by Nation’s Restaurant News as a “Top 10 GrowthChain” and by Technomic as the “Fastest-growing restaurant chain in thecountry.” For more information, visit www.dickeys.comor for barbecue franchise opportunities call 866.340.6188.