Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Opens Newest Shreveport Location
The new location willopen this Thursday, February 23
(Shreveport,LA) Dickey’s Barbecue Pit opens theirnewest Shreveport location this Thursday with a weekend filled with specials onDickey’s delicious, slow-smoked barbecue. On Thursday, February 23, the newlocation will offer a free Big Yellow Cup with an in-store purchase of $5 ormore. On Saturday, February 25, the new location will feature $3 Pulled PorkSandwiches to guests. As always at every Dickey’s Barbecue Pit location, KidsEat Free every Sunday with the purchase of an adult dine-in meal of $10 ormore.
To joinDickey’s Big Yellow Cup Club and receive members-only specials and discounts,click here.
“TheDickey’s Barbecue Pit family congratulates Matthew and Catherine Long onopening their third Dickey’s location,” says Laura Rea Dickey, CEO of Dickey’sBarbecue Restaurants, Inc. “Dickey’s Barbecue Pit is a family-owned businessand we are always proud when current Owner/Operators open new locations withus.”
Guests ofthe new Shreveport location can enjoy:
Thursday, February 23— Guests willreceive a free Big Yellow Cup with a purchase of $5 or more.
Saturday,February 25— The new location willoffer $3 Pulled Pork Sandwiches.
Kids EatFree Sunday— Kids Eat Free everySunday with every purchase of an adult dine-in meal of $10 or more.
Husband and wife duo, Matthew and CatherineLong will open their third Dickey’s Barbecue Pit location in the Shreveportarea. The Longs are experts when it comes to smoking delicious, Texas-stylebarbecue and they are excited to embark on their next adventure by openingtheir newest location. “This is a great area and the community is greatlylooking forward to us opening a new Dickey’s Barbecue Pit here,” says CatherineLong. “We are excited to have the opportunity to serve our community Dickey’spit-smoked barbecue.”
Residents ofShreveport can find their newest Dickey’s location at 7503 Youree Dr. Suite 300Shreveport, LA 71105. The phone number is 318-217-6070.
FindDickey’s Barbecue Pit on Facebook,Instagram and Twitter.
AboutDickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.
Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc., the nation’s largest barbecue chainwas founded in 1941 by Travis Dickey. Today, all meats are still slowsmoked on-site in each restaurant. The Dallas-based family-run barbecue franchise offers eightsignature meats, seven savory sides, tangy barbecue sauce and free kids’ mealsevery Sunday. The fast-casual concept has expanded to nearly 600 locations in44 states. In 2016, Dickey’s won first place on Fast Casual’s “Top100 Movers and Shakers” list. Dickey’s Barbecue Pit has also beenrecognized by Entrepreneur Magazine, Franchise Times, and Nation’s RestaurantNews. For more information on Dickey’s awards, visit www.dickeys.com