Local Entrepreneur Brings Dickey’s Pit-Smoked Barbecue to Baytown
The new location willopen Thursday with four weeks of specials and giveaways
(Baytown,TX) Dickey’s Barbecue Pit opens in Baytown this Thursday with four weeks ofspecials and giveaways, including free barbecue for a year for one lucky guest.To win free barbecue for a year, guests must enter the drawing in-store onSaturday, February 25. The first four Thursdays after opening, Dickey’s willoffer the first 50 guests a complimentary s taste of Dickey’s Butcher Taco ofthe Month, the Buffalo & Bleu. On Fridays, the new store will offer 50percent off meals for uniformed first responders, and guests will have theopportunity to donate to Dickey’s charitable foundation, Barbecue, Boots & Badges. OnSundays, kids eat free at Dickey’s with every purchase of an adult dine-in mealof $10 or more.
To joinDickey’s Big Yellow Cup Club and receive members-only specials and discounts,click here.
“The Dickeyfamily congratulates Hamid Aktar on opening his first Dickey’s Barbecue Pitlocation,” says Laura Rea Dickey, CEO of Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.“At Dickey’s, we are passionate about great slow-smoked barbecue and partneringwith new Owner/Operators such as Aktar only better the Dickey’s brand as awhole.”
Doors openthis Thursday and guests can enjoy the grand opening events over the next fourweeks:
Thirsty Thursdays—All guests willreceive a free iconic Big Yellow Cub with a reusable travel lid and straw.
· On opening day, the first 50 guests will receivea complimentary free barbecue sandwich
· On the next three Thursdays after opening, thefirst 20 guests will receive a free barbecue sandwich.
Philanthropy Fridays— Uniformed firstresponders will receive 50 percent off their meal and guests can donate toDickey’s charitable foundation, Barbecue,Boots & Badges.
Kids Eat Free All Day Every Sunday withthe purchase of a $10 dine-in meal per adult.
To find theDickey’s Barbecue Pit nearest you, click here.
New to theDickey’s family, Hamid Akhtar will open his doors to the Baytown community thisThursday as a first-time Dickey’s Barbecue Pit owner. After researchingfranchising opportunities, Dickey’s was the perfect fit for Akhtar because itmatched his love for delicious, slow-smoked barbecue. “I am excited to bringDickey’s Texas-style barbecue to the residents of Baytown,” says Akhtar. “Ihope to make Dickey’s an integral part of the Baytown community.”
Residents ofBaytown can find their newest Dickey’s location at 6110 I-10 East FreewayBaytown, TX 77521. The phone number is 281-421-3101.
Find Dickey’s Barbecue Pit on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
About Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc.
Dickey’s Barbecue Restaurants, Inc., the nation’s largest barbecue chainwas founded in 1941 by Travis Dickey. Today, all meats are still slowsmoked on-site in each restaurant. The Dallas-based family-run barbecue franchise offers eightsignature meats, seven savory sides, tangy barbecue sauce and free kids’ mealsevery Sunday. The fast-casual concept has expanded to nearly 600 locations in44 states. In 2016, Dickey’s won first place on Fast Casual’s “Top100 Movers and Shakers” list. Dickey’s Barbecue Pit has also beenrecognized by Entrepreneur Magazine, Franchise Times, and Nation’s RestaurantNews. For more information on Dickey’s awards, visit www.dickeys.com